• Verhoef Elektrotechniek
  • Verhoef Elektrotechniek
  • Verhoef Elektrotechniek
  • Verhoef Elektrotechniek
  • Verhoef Elektrotechniek
  • Verhoef Elektrotechniek


With simple modifications on existing electrical and/or lighting installation it is nowadays possible to achieve a decent saving. Some examples are:

  • Replacing conventional TL lighting by LED lighting
  • Installation of motion- and daylight sensors

Also the connection of solar panels to induce your own electricity for charging your electric vehicle through a charging station are part of our services.

Summarizing Verhoef EMC designs, installs and maintains the following sustainable technology:

  • Modernizing- and savings technology
  • Charging technology (E-vehicles)
  • Solar panels (Photo Voltaic installations)